Conferences: Graduate/Postdoc Travel Awards Update

Contributed by kjm34 on Jan 31, 2018 - 03:18 PM

Continue reading for a special note about the graduate/postdoc travel awards from SSE and ASN for Evolution 2018 in Montpellier:

Dear SSE and ASN travel award applicants,

Thank you all for applying for a Graduate/Postdoc Travel Award from SSE or ASN. We are delighted by the overwhelming interest among graduate students and postdocs in attending this year’s meeting, the second Joint Congress of SSE, ASN, SSB, and ESEB, to be held in Montpellier, France.

Just as the first Joint Congress in Ottawa followed the North American meeting style, this Congress follows typical ESEB style, with limited presentations organized into topical symposia. We are incredibly thankful to ESEB for hosting this Congress and for their tremendous organizational efforts and financial support.

In order to facilitate travel for graduate students and postdocs to Montpellier, SSE and ASN both increased their investments in the travel awards this year. We received an impressive 430 applications for travel awards. This is similar to the number of applicants we typically receive, and we will process these applications as soon as possible.

Please note, given the number of applicants for presentations at the Congress, we will likely be able to notify recipients around the time that meeting registration opens on March 12.

Priority will be given to member applicants who are selected by the organizers to give a talk or poster. If we have fewer awardees presenting than we have travel award funds, then the remaining awards will be offered to non-presenting members who still plan to attend the Congress.

We will be sure to notify you as soon as we can with decisions on these travel awards. And if you are chosen, please make sure you register early!

Best wishes,

Chris Caruso
ASN Treasurer

Andrea Case
SSE Executive Vice President
