Awards & Grants: 2021 IDEA Award Recipient: Dr. Adriana Briscoe

Contributed by kjm34 on Apr 21, 2021 - 06:41 PM

The words 2021 IDEA Award Adriana Briscoe in white on a brown background next to a photo of Dr. Briscoe smiling at the camera

Congratulations to Dr. Adriana Briscoe, recipient of the second annual ASN/SSE/SSB Inclusiveness, Diversity, Equity, and Access (IDEA) Award [1]. Over her entire career, Dr. Briscoe has shown a commitment to diversity, equity and inclusion that has resulted in the recruitment and retention of diverse scientists in the evolution workforce at all professional levels. Dr. Briscoe also contributes to international inclusion, regularly publishing research with co-authors from global south countries. Her DEI work also includes published scholarship and popular media related to her outreach. Dr. Briscoe has also been recognized for her research excellence and contributions to education by the largest STEM diversity organization in the country, the Society for the Advancement of Chicanos/Hispanics and Native Americans in Science (SACNAS). Thank you to Dr. Briscoe for your commitment and contributions to the community!
