Conferences: International Symposium: Register Now

Contributed by kjm34 on Oct 11, 2022 - 03:46 PM

Text: International Symposium. Society for the Study of Evolution. October 26, 2022. Workshop on publishing in Evolution: October 27, 2022. Register for free by October 25. Logos for SSE, SocEvol, ColEVol, Sabe, ReMBE, and Club Eco Evo Latinoamerica.

International Symposium of the Society for the Study of Evolution

Haga clic aquí para leer este anuncio en español [1].

To celebrate the diversity of the international membership and strengthen ties with the global community of evolutionary biologists, the Society for the Study of Evolution (SSE) will host a free virtual series of international symposia in different languages and time zones.

The first SSE International Symposium will be held on Wednesday, October 26, 2022 and will be aimed at the Spanish-speaking community in Latin America. The talks will be in Spanish with simultaneous Spanish-English translation. 

This symposium is organized in collaboration with the Sociedad Chilena de Evolución [2] (SOCEVOL), Asociación Colombiana de Biología Evolutiva [3] (COLEVOL), Sociedad Argentina de Biología Evolutiva [4] (SABE), Red Mexicana de Biología Evolutiva [5] (ReMBE) and Club Eco-Evo Latinoamérica [6].

Registration for the symposium and workshop will be open until Tuesday, October 25, 2022. To register, please fill out the following form: [7]

Button to register for the symposium

Continue reading for more information about the speakers and schedule.


The speakers were selected through an open call and represent a large portion of the diversity of Latin American evolutionary biologists. Six speakers are early career researchers and two are senior researchers.

Headshot of Pablo S. Milla Carmona with short dark hair and a beard.Pablo S. Milla Carmona (;@millacarmonia [9]) is a postdoc at the National Scientific and Technical Research Council of Argentina. He studies evolutionary processes at different scales from a morphological and quantitative perspective.

Claudia Maturana Bobadilla in a coat, knit hat, and glasses with a frozen body of water behind her.Claudia Maturana Bobadilla (;@CsMaturana [10]) is a postdoc at the Institute of Ecology and Biodiversity of Chile. She studies the distribution patterns and spatial structuring processes of the genetic diversity of freshwater crustaceans in Antarctic and sub-Antarctic regions. Photo copyright: KarinGérard
Headshot of Angie S. Reyes in a library.Angie S. Reyes (;@asofiareyes [11]) is a master student at the Universidad de los Andes, Colombia. She studies the evolution, genetic basis, and neuroanatomy of social and reproductive behaviors of vertebrates.
Headshot of Rosa Alicia Jiménez with long dark hair in front of a leafy green bush.Rosa Alicia Jiménez (;@RosaAJJimenezB [12]) is a professor and curator of the bird collection of the Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala. She studies the processes that generate and maintain the phenotypic and genotypic diversity as well as those shaping the geographic distribution of species.
Sergio Nigenda-Morales in a red collared polo shirt and glasses.Sergio Nigenda-Morales (;@SergioNigenda [13]) is a postdoc at the Center for Research and Advanced Studies of Mexico. He studies the effect of demographic and environmental changes on the adaptive potential of wild populations of mammals.
Laura Sierra-Botero in foggy mountains holding a brown moth up to her face and smiling at the camera.Laura Sierra-Botero (;@seisilabas [14]) is a biologist from the Universidad de Antioquia, Colombia. She studies the ecological interactions between insects and their host plants, she also leads science communication projects.
Valeria Paula Carreira with long dark hair.Valeria Paula Carreira (;@CarreiraVale [15]) is a professor at the Universidad de Buenos Aires and a researcher at the National Scientific and Technical Research Council of Argentina. She studies the variation of adaptive traits in Drosophila species and its relationship with flight capacity.
Hugh Drummond with short gray hair and a moustache in a tan t-shirt in front of some trees.Hugh Drummond is an emeritus researcher at the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. He has studied family conflict and other topics in blue-footed boobies for four decades, using direct observations and monitoring individuals throughout their lives.

The talks will cover a diversity of study groups, research questions, and methodological approaches. Attendees will be able to ask questions to the speakers in either Spanish or English and the talks will be spaced by multiple breaks. In the last session, attendees will be able to interact with each other to discuss the challenges and opportunities of doing evolutionary biology research in Latin America.

Workshop on publishing at Evolution

SSE will also offer a free virtual workshop on how to publish articles in Evolution [16]. This workshop will be held the day after the symposium, on Thursday, October 27, 2022, and will be taught in Spanish by four Evolution associate editors:

In the first part of the workshop, participants will have the opportunity to address all of their concerns about how the journal's editorial process works. In the second part, participants will review some sample manuscripts guided by the editors to identify the elements that contribute to the editorial success of a manuscript in Evolution.

This workshop is also an opportunity to discuss at length whether there are mismatches between the type of research that Evolution seeks to publish and the type of research that the evolutionary biology community in Latin America is pursuing, and how common ground can be found. 

Workshop time
9:00 am - 11:00 am          Guatemala, Costa Rica, Honduras, Nicaragua, El Salvador
10:00 am - 12:00 pm        Colombia, México, Perú, Ecuador, Panamá
11:00 am - 1:00 pm          USA EDT, Puerto Rico, Bolivia, Cuba, Venezuela
12:00 pm - 2:00 pm          Argentina, Chile, Paraguay, Uruguay

Code of conduct

Registration for the symposium and workshop is considered an agreement to abide by Safe Evolution [17]’s code of conduct. SSE is committed to creating an environment where everyone can participate without experiencing harassment, discrimination, or similar unwelcome, exclusionary behavior.  All meeting participants must treat others with respect and consideration. 


Registration for the symposium and workshop will be open until Tuesday, October 25, 2022. To register, please fill out the following form:

[18]Button to Register [19]

Participants will receive an email in the days prior to the symposium and workshop with Zoom links.
