Third International Symposium for Mandarin Speakers in East and Southeast Asia

Speakers | Schedule | Panel on Publishing in Evolution | Code of Conduct | Registration

报告人 | 学术报告日程 | Evolution论文发表专家交流会 | 行为准则 | 注册

報告人 | 學術報告日程 | Evolution論文發表專家交流會 | 行為準則 | 註冊


To celebrate the diversity of the international membership and strengthen ties with the global community of evolutionary biologists, the Society for the Study of Evolution (SSE) is hosting a free virtual series of international symposia in different languages and time zones.

The first two SSE International Symposia were aimed at the Spanish-speaking community in Latin America and the evolutionary biology community in South Asia, respectively.

The third SSE International Symposium is for the Mandarin-speaking community of evolutionary biologists in East and Southeast Asia and will be held on November 11, 2023 via Zoom. Talks of this event will be in Mandarin with simultaneous translation to English. The symposium will be followed by a panel on November 13 on how to publish in Evolution.

Registration for the symposium and panel is free. Please sign up by Friday, November 10 to reserve your spot.

为了庆祝其国际成员的多样性并加强与全球进化生物学家社区的交流,SSE 正在组织一系列国际性研讨会。国际研讨会系列由为期一天的线上活动组成,提供免费注册,以不同的语言在当地时区举行

SSE国际系列研讨会的首次活动于 2022 年 10 月举行,主要面向讲西班牙语的拉丁美洲学术界。第二次活动于 2023 年 8 月举行,面向南亚学术界。

第三次活动将于 2023 年 11 月 11 日在Zoom线上举行,对象为东亚和东南亚讲中文的学者。本次研讨会的报告将以中文进行,并有英语同声传译。与会者可以用两种语言参加会议。

本次研讨会和专家交流会都是免费参与。请于11 月 10 日星期五之前注册以保留席位。


為了慶祝其國際成員的多樣性並加強與全球演化生物學家社群的交流,SSE 正在組織一系列國際研討會。國際研討會系列由為期一天的線上活動組成,提供免費註冊,以不同的語言在當地時區舉行。

SSE國際系列研討會的首次活動於 2022 年 10 月舉行,主要針對講西班牙語的拉丁美洲學術界。第二次活動於 2023 年 8 月舉行,針對南亞學術界。

第三次活動將於 2023 年 11 月 11 日在Zoom線上舉行,對象為東亞和東南亞講中文的學者。本次研討會的報告將以中文進行,並有英語同聲傳譯。與會者可以用兩種語言參加會議。

本次研討會和專家交流會都是免費參加。請於11 月 10 日星期五之前註冊以保留席位。


Speakers (报告人)  (報告人) 

Speakers were selected through an open call and comprise six early career researchers (ECRs) and two senior researchers working in a diversity of disciplines.

报告人是通过公开征集选出的,由来自不同研究领域的六名事业早期阶段的学者 (ECR) 和两名相对资深的学者组成。

報告人是透過公開徵集選出的,由來自不同研究領域的六名事業早期階段的學者 (ECR) 和兩名相對資深的學者組成。


Headshot of Kai Wei.Kai Wei (He/Him) is an Associate Professor at Xinjiang University, where he studies the genomics of adaptation of wild plant populations under arid and semi-arid environments.



Headshot of Qi Liu.Qi Liu (She/Her) is a postdoc at Fudan University, where she studies the adaptive evolutionary mechanisms of human complex traits.



Headshot of Yun Hsiao.Yun Hsiao (He/Him, ;@YHsiaoBeetle) is a postdoc at the National Taiwan University, where he works on the systematics of beetles.



Headshot of Shengnan Zhang.Shengnan Zhang (She/Her) is a lecturer at Anhui Agricultural University, where she studies the biogeography of stag beetles and the factors that limit species niches and ranges.



Headshot of Xin Dang.Xin Dang (He/Him, ;@XinDang4) is a postdoc at the University of Hong Kong, where he works on the long-term and transgenerational impact of ocean acidification on shellfish physiology, immunology, and adaptive plasticity.




Headshot of Huang Xianting.Xianting Huang (She/Her, ;@Tina61569249999) is a PhD student at the Institute of Zoology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, where she studies the single-cell transcriptome of spider embryos.



Headshot of Bing Yang.Bing Yang (He/Him, ;@BingYangHeart) is a PhD student at China Agricultural University, where he studies the evolutionary and developmental patterns of honeybees using multi-omics techniques.



Headshot of Shu-Miaw Chaw.Shu-Miaw Chaw (She/Her) is a Distinguished Research Fellow at the Biodiversity Research Center of Academia Sinica, where she studies the comparative phylogenomics of seed plants inferred from plastid, mitochondrial, and nuclear genomes.




Symposium Program (学术报告日程)  (學術報告日程)

Talks will cover a diversity of study groups, research questions, and methodological approaches and attendees will be able to ask questions to the speakers in either Mandarin or English. In the last session, attendees will be able to interact with each other to discuss the challenges and opportunities of doing evolutionary biology research in East and Southeast Asia.





Panel on publishing in Evolution (Evolution论文发表专家交流会) (Evolution論文發表專家交流會)

SSE will also offer a free virtual panel on how to publish articles in Evolution. This panel will be held on Monday November 13, 2023 at 10:00 am China Standard Time. Participants will have the opportunity to discuss questions about how the journal's editorial process works with two Associate Editors of Evolution and one editor of the Evolution English Language Support Program (EELS):

  • Jen-Pan Huang, Academia Sinica
  • Suhua Shi, Sun Yat-sen University
  • Sishuo Wang, Chinese University of Hong Kong

SSE 还将提供一个免费的专家交流会,介绍如何在 Evolution 中发表学术论文。该交流会将于中国标准时间11 月 13 日星期一10:00 举行。参与者将有机会与 Evolution 的两名副主编和 Evolution 英语语言支持计划 (EELS) 的编辑讨论有关期刊编辑流程如何运作的问题:

  • 黄仁磐,中央研究院
  • 施苏华,中山大学
  • 王思硕,香港中文大学

SSE 也將提供一個免費的專家交流會,介紹如何在 Evolution 中發表學術論文。該交流會將於中國標準時間11 月 13 日星期一10:00 舉行。參與者將有機會與 Evolution 的兩位副主編和 Evolution 英語語言支援計劃 (EELS) 的編輯討論有關期刊編輯流程如何運作的問題:

  • 黃仁磐,中央研究院
  • 施蘇華,中山大學
  • 王思碩,香港中文大學


Code of conduct (行为准则) (行為準則)

Registration for the symposium and workshop is considered an agreement to abide by Safe Evolution’s code of conduct. SSE is committed to creating an environment where everyone can participate without experiencing harassment, discrimination, or similar unwelcome, exclusionary behavior.  All meeting participants must treat others with respect and consideration. 

注册参加本研讨会和专家交流会被视为同意遵守 Safe Evolution 的相关条例准则。 SSE 致力于创造一个人人都可以参与,不包含骚扰、歧视或类似的不受欢迎、排斥行为的环境。所有与会者必须尊重他人。

報名參加本研討會和專家交流會被視為同意遵守 Safe Evolution 的相關法規準則。 SSE 致力於創造一個人人都可以參與,不包含騷擾、歧視或類似的不受歡迎、排斥行為的環境。所有與會者必須尊重他人。


Registration (注册) (註冊)

Registration for the symposium and workshop will be open until Friday, November 12, 2023 any time zone. To register, please fill out the following form: 

If you are unable to access the Google form above, please register via Qualtrics here.

Participants will receive an email in the days prior to the symposium and workshop with Zoom links.

研讨会和专家交流会的注册将开放至 2023 年 11 月 12 日星期五(任何时区)。如需注册,请填写以下表格:


与会者将在研讨会和专家交流会开始前几天收到一封包含 Zoom 链接的电子邮件。

研討會和專家交流會的註冊將開放至 2023 年 11 月 12 日星期五(任何時區)。如需註冊,請填寫以下表格:


與會者將在研討會和專家交流會開始前幾天收到一封包含 Zoom 連結的電子郵件。


These events are organized by SSE Graduate Student Advisory Committee, with the support from SSE International Committee and Diversity Committee

SSE is also very grateful with the scholars based in East and Southeast Asia who have supported the organization of these events:

  • Shuhua Xu, Fudan University
  • Qi Zhou, Zhejiang University
  • Jen-Pan Huang, Academia Sinica
  • Suhua Shi, Sun Yat-sen University
  • Huateng Huang, Shaanxi Normal University
  • Kai Jiang, Shanghai Chenshan Botanical Garden
  • Juan Diego Gaitán-Espitia, University of Hong Kong
  • Sishuo Wang, Chinese University of Hong Kong



  • 徐书华,复旦大学
  • 周琦,浙江大学
  • 黄仁磐,中央研究院
  • 施苏华,中山大学
  • 黄华腾,陕西师范大学
  • 蒋凯,上海辰山植物园
  • Juan Diego Gaitán-Espitia,香港大学
  • 王思硕,香港中文大学



  • 徐書華,復旦大學
  • 周琦,浙江大學
  • 黃仁磐,中央研究院
  • 施蘇華,中山大學
  • 黃華騰,陝西師範大學
  • 蔣凱,上海辰山植物園
  • Juan Diego Gaitán-Espitia,香港大學
  • 王思碩,香港中文大學

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